Involved or Commit

The fable of the goose and the pig will serve us to differentiate these two terms:

It is said that once a woman who had a farm asked night to her husband, "Honey, what would you like for breakfast tomorrow?" He replied, "I want breakfast egg with ham", to which she answered that very well and slept. History tells us that evening farm animals made quickly spread the word "morning have breakfast egg with ham" and when it reached the ears of the pig, the only pig farm, this began to mourn bitterly and said, "No , can not be. Egg with ham no, please, no egg and ham. " Listening, the chicken says, "Please, it's no big deal". The pig replied, "For you, does not mean much since then breakfast alone are involved, going to give an egg, but I'm committed."

It is easy to be chicken and involved, but it is very difficult to get many pigs proud of their commitment. The chicken is involved many times as desired and does so with what "spare". The pig, only one, and he does with his life. Until one is committed, you can always get a chance to go back. Commit is to give life, to put ourselves into the project. Commit requires determination; however, being involved does not.



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