Hospitality Management in Venezuela, An Opportunity
I´ve started a degree in Hospitality Management with no idea about the subject...
In Venezuela primary and secondary education is general. Vocations are not developed unless its own initiative , usually abounds in the habit of pursuing a career that attended your parents or relatives. In the fifth year of high school is the time to apply tests to universities, it was time to choose.
In my case, my mother is a teacher and worked most of his career in state organizations and my father is administrator and worked in private companies. I lean management career . It was not all , most of my family study at the Universidad Central de Venezuela , of course I wanted to study there too. I was not convinced of the career I wanted to study so I apply the test at several universities and similar careers. One of the university choices was the Universidad Simon Bolivar, whose careers were all scientific. However, at that time there was a new career calls Hospitality Management. I decided with some friends apply to the new career and from all them I was the one who was chosen.
From then each day was a discovery, what I am studying?, where I am going to work? is this industry exists in Venezuela?
While I was near to my graduation I understand that in my country the hospitality industry cant set up to assess a high caliber professional. This is an opportunity!, I said to myselft, this is a career that can be applied in any industry. I had in my favor the fact that the career was unknown. So I could sell it according to where I wanted to play.
Starting in the workplace was another challenge with an unknown career in the market. To accomplish this I had to develop a personal brand. I started with the known, the management area, so I apply for administrative profiles. Thats when I started in the corporative world and started to build my personal brand...
Me parece muy bueno el artículo, los padres de hoy deben entrenarse en identificación de competencias e inteligencias que pueden tener sus hijos, para brindarles orientación adecuada en profesiones y oficios desde pequeños, apuntando a eso que hace a sus hijos felices, y no para cumplir con los mitos inservibles y que hacen tanto daños de nuestra sociedad, como por ejemplo: "estudiar en una universidad reconocida te garantiza el éxito y te hace buen profesional", "debes dedicarte al negocio de la familia", "sólo estudiando tendrás éxito en la vida", "no existe un manual para ser padres", "los buenos empleos son el camino fácil", etc. Hay que hablarle a los niños de finanzas personales, de conocimiento personal, de emprendimiento, y darle la confianza para todo eso.