Linked In... Are you in?

I´ve started this blog so long ago, but i´m just recently writing in it. My interesting started when I got in Linked In. This page, well actually this "business card" sorry if Im describing in a wrong way, is excellent!. Is not only a way to contact people of the business world is a great source of knowledge..
Besides of this, i was already interested in creating a personal brand for myself.

Step by step, dont be afraid of Linked in , you created yourself and your own image. What you have to know first is as follows:

"Increase your value. Multiply your options

  • Do you think you're not valued professionally as you deserve?
  • Do you think you should have more career options?
  • Would you like to become a leader in your industry?
  • Would you like your business professionals are your best representatives?
  • In recent years there has been a revolution in the professional world.

If you work for others, and can not wait for others to design your career, you should be you who take the initiative.
If you work for yourself, you should do everything possible to excel in a crowded and competitive market.
If you are an entrepreneur or responsible for a team, you should get professionals who work with you have entrepreneurial mindset.

In all cases we must learn to manage a project as a business professional. Your profession is your company, your job is your product and what you do define your Personal Brand" Andrés Perez Ortega

Now. Are you ?

Go to The-31-best-linkedin-profile-tips-for-job-seekers


  1. At fist congrats! for your fist post,
    I think that linked in is also a fast and easy way to find someone that was your partner job long time ago, thats a signal of you did a good job, and the people remember you as a remakable professional. Step by step, you define who you are in several ways. Go ahead!!!


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